jetstar directed wrong - the evidence of the false flight safety: the indicating figure showed that the bag size should be wide to knee, but, the flight attendant showed me a wrong direction, and said that the figure is wrong.

jetstar directed wrong - the evidence of the false flight safety: the indicating figure showed that the bag size should be wide to knee, but, the flight attendant showed me a wrong direction, and said that the figure is wrong.
jetstar directed wrong - the evidence of the false flight safety: the indicating figure showed that the bag size should be wide to knee, but, the flight attendant showed me a wrong direction, which was to avenge a personal wrong in the name of public interests.
  YEO KOK HUA捷星機長把消費者當眾羞辱人第一句及最後一句罵get out YEO KOK HUA: This captain of Jetstar humiliated this customer. His first, second and last sentence were all “get out!”內容:第一句及二句最後一句罵get out中間才改get off你給我走開離開機艙對消費者而言是完全不能接受,200人面前手比,面目猙獰,有帶動作侮辱,法律上完全形成公然侮辱罪Content: The first, the second and the last sentence were “get out!”, but the other sentences changed to “get off! You, get off this aircraft!” which were totally unacceptable. Besides, he pointed his finger at me in front of more than 200 people; his face was so fierce and his action humiliated me! This means the crime of public insult in law.
真不是正派捷星航空, 消保官面前也還是死不認錯,並還要告我公然侮辱我又沒罵他 ,於是我在談判中全程有錄影音拿給他看 , 竟要我洗掉錄音,更扯是錄到談判中捷星趕我下機被記者包圍訪問中 ­我故拖延一時多才離去,而捷星代表回答竟在消保官面說:(這一小 ­時多不是不敢飛而是飛機在加油),我直接吐嘈,那有加油可加這樣 ­久,而且飛機起飛之前應該早就加好油,難道你捷星是早預謀故意好 ­趕我下機,顯然沒誠意合解(又不退我機票錢)! 現我又發現捷星航空趕我下機時指示我包放前面椅下與該公司標示是 ­打叉錯誤的及規格不同有影片存證 ,指使教人都是錯的示範,完全是公報私仇假飛安所以現又追加告訴 ­捷星航空利用假飛安登報不實告誹謗罪
  Jetstar Airline is not decent!They ddin’t resipiscence even in the front of the consumer ombudsmen, and said that they will sue me for public insult. But I didn’t yell at them. I show them my video which was recorded during negotiation, but they ask me to delete the content! Even more, the content showed that after they expelled me, I was surrounded and interviewed by some reporters, I spent a little longer time on purpose while leaving there, but the airplane didn’t go. They said to the consumer ombudsmen that they weren’t not scared to fly, but just was filling up with petrol. I spat the trough: “How long time it is! You should have filled up with petrol before taking off! Is this your intent? Expel me, and without any compromise? Are you on purpose?” (They even don’t return the ticket fee to me!) Now I found that they gave me the wrong instruction because they asked me to put my bag under and in front of the chair, but the indicating picture showed that it’s wrong, and I had recorded the video as evidence. It’s really false flight safety! They avenge a personal wrong in the name of public interests. So I make an additional legal complaint against their defamation because they publish the false news on newspapers!
如有不公平本人一定會去32個國家問出一國讓我開記者會,因台媒 ­體不讓我開,近日會在Youtube網翻譯英文改登全世界讓全球 ­人看,請各位多加持,請盡興傳送給朋友看,喔!對了近日網路搜尋 ­也發現捷星航空口碑也不好,還趕過殘障人士,害這位殘障人士又重 ­新在機場訂別家航空浪費多時呢!
If there is any unfair situation, I must fly to many countries to find a country which allows me to hold a press conference! Because the Taiwanese medias don’t allow me to hold it. Recently I’ll upload the English edition of my criticizing words about this event and let global people know this thing! Please transmit the information about this event to your friends! Oh…nowadays I find another news about their bad public praise. They had expelled some disabled person, and let the person waste much time for waiting another airline company!
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It is perfectly acceptable

It is perfectly acceptable for the captain to force you off the aircraft if you are acting in a threatening way. From the video, judging by the way you were carrying on, I would have done the same.