Never again

I turn up at the airport for my 11am flight . Told it had been cancelled ( at 10.30 am ) . Earliest available flight 5 hours later . Hand on heart . Nothing available earlier . Groan ! Over coffee in airport lounge I decide to look at the Jetstar site and low and behold there are seats available on ealier flights albeit at several hundred dollars more . I ring and have a dummy spit and get rescheduled to an earlier flight but really is this neccessary ? Can we not just tell the truth . Obviously I should have had a dummy spit at the check in counter . They must have figured I was a complete sucker and stuck me on the last available. Also the rudeness of the staff was to be believed . You would have thought I was on day leave from Long Bay.And apparently a glass of water on the flight was a request too far. I must be really stupid as it is not the first time this has happened but it is definitely the last!

Australia-Gold Coast


Get on flight with infants

Get on flight with infants early before 9 am for 9:15 departure to Denpasar
10:34 am still sitting in plane
Apparently a loading problem then paper work
Maybe employ more staff
Beyond frustrating.. And very difficult with so many young ones on plane