On Wednesday I am going to Melbourne.
I should be like this:
Yay! Supanova! Yay! Melbourne International Comedy Festival! Yay! 1 man LOTR show! ⊂二二二( ^ω^)二⊃ <—-being carefree and above, with arms stretched out while running/soaring, happy happy happy yay!
But instead I am like this:
*Waiting on phone …..yet again* grrrr take my phone call you damn tit-gypsys. I’m going to nail you to a fan and throw coffee cups at you, bloody monkey sluts. (,_,) <—- no more faith in the world, ready to hammer my hands to the desk, because it would be less painful than talking to jetstar.
So in early february, I saw the line up for Melbourne supanova. It was amazing, I had to go. So my partner and I booked tickets to supanova.
We tried to book tickets over the internet, which failed especially (after we had put our creditcard details in ofcorse) So we booked them over the phone, and everything was sweet, until…
dun! dun! DUNNN!
our flights got changed, no problem, the flights werent convenient to when we needed to fly, so we got the changed ones changed.
one week before our flight….
flights. changed. again.
Once again, the changed flights were inconvenient, so we changed the changed flights.
Now instead of going for the weekend, we have to stay for the week.
Which means instead of doing the whole hand luggage. We have to now buy luggage.
This seems to be an unknown concept to the staff.
This isn’t the first time I have called them up, it’s the sixth. twice I have been hung upped on.
ULTIMATE ANGER (or why Jetstar are a load of piss-midgets)
Australia-Melbourne - Tullamarine