Jetstar are masters in communicating with their customers as many of you have pointed out here. I booked a ticket on the weekend, which went smoothly, but when I went to "manage my booking" to double check the booking the next day, I could not get access at all. I tried different computers, browsers, even other Jetstar international sites--NOTHING. The website indicated that I should call customer service to make any changes. At this point I am wondering what the heck happened to my booking!!!, so I called customer service and after almost 40 minutes waiting, someone who I assume is based in the Phillippines takes my enquiry. She confirms my booking does exist!! but can't explain why I don't have access to it through The conversation to gain this information was so painful.
Returning to my computer I decided to run my exact flights again through their booking system...and there it was. Jetstar had decided to route what would have otherwise been a direct flight to Australia from NRT to go through Osaka. Thanks for telling me!!! You give a phone number and bothers to contact you about the changes!!!!. Obviously since I had made my seat selectionsand options for all sectors in my original booking, Jetstar's system could not update the booking with the additional sector to Osaka, so it denied access to the online booking manager.
I wonder when Jetstar thought it would be good to let me know that the direct flight I had booked to Australia would do a stopover in Osaka on the way, adding another 2-3 hours to the trip. I still get to Australia, but what sloppy customer relations and limited booking managment systems I have to endure with the trip. Do not take anything for granted with Jetstar, double, triple, quadruple check when you can to lessen the impact of their suprises and ineptitude.
The reason why JS added a leg
The reason why JS added a leg from NRT to KIX is to allow the crew from Australia Cairns to terminate in KIX for rest rather than staying in Tokyo. Similar measure has been implemented by other airlines such as QF via Hong Kong until Apr 19 and BA via Seoul! So it is a matter of operation measure due to the radiation incidence at Fukushima!
I am aware of the operational
I am aware of the operational measures taken by other airlines, but does not explain why Jetstar changed the routing of my booking without informing me about it and locked me out of managing my booking online. I can't even request an updated itinerary online. My itinerary emailed to me by Jetstar shows a direct flight to Australia from NRT which is what I payed for, but then Jetstar adds a stopover in KIX the next day without the courtesy of informing me. That is my complaint. Do you know where Jetstar has information about the extra leg to KIX for flights to Cairns? I certainly couldn't find it here at or is it just available to Jetstar insiders?